Isaac Shepard - The Renewing

by KiraxYamato | 10:53 PM in | comments (3)

"Do you ever have times when you need to take a break and reflect on the more important things in life, when you are longing for transformation? Then begin your journey with The Renewing, Isaac Shepard’s third solo-piano album. May these emotional, relaxing melodies point you in the right direction where your own renewing awaits.

Much like his first two solo-piano albums, Swept Away and Deep Joy, Isaac Shepard’s latest offering combines imaginative ballads with classical progressions to create a powerful experience that you will long remember. "

Pass: apatch3


Name. KiraxYamato
Age. 18
Town. Orb / PLANT
Gundam. Strike Freedom
Like. Lacus Clyne
Hate. War
Background. 1st Generation Coordinator
Status. Ace Pilot Coordinator / Ultimate Coordinator